
SIGHUP is a CNCF Certified Services Provider with years of experience in enabling organizations to adopt Cloud Native technologies and run mission-critical production workloads thanks to our Kubernetes Fury Distribution and a collection of technologies, skills and engineering advisory paths that accelerate the development and deployment of applications on Kubernetes.
Our Engineering Advisory Paths

Cloud Native Assessment
Is a fixed price engagement aimed to evaluate the status quo of existing Cloud Native-based infrastructure and surrounding processes (CI/CD, Authentication, Security, etc).

Kubernetes Security Assessment
Is a fixed price engagement aimed at evaluating the security measures and risks of an existing Kubernetes infrastructure and surrounding processes (CI/CD, Authentication, etc).

Kong Assessment
Is a fixed price engagement aimed at capturing technical requirements and identifying key objectives related to Kong Gateway adoption.

Kubernetes Assessment
Is a fixed price engagement aimed to evaluate the status quo of existing Kubernetes-based infrastructure and surrounding processes (CI/CD, Authentication, Security, etc).

Fury Bootcamp
It’s a fixed price engagement designed to enable the customer in the adoption of Kubernetes Fury Distribution. This service is the ideal entry point for those organizations that want to adopt KFD and build production-grade clusters.

Kubernetes Fury - Cluster Setup
It’s a fixed price engagement aimed at the setup of Kubernetes Fury Clusters.
This service is designed to support the customer in installing the first Kubernetes Fury Cluster but may be extended even to other clusters.
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